As surely as the hand that gripped the knife, as surely as the surly drunk who beat his wife, as surely as the ones who turn a profit from the strife; we are complicit, not contrite. We are as the soldiers with the guns; we’re to blame for the slaughter of our daughters and our sons, and responsible for the atrocious things our leaders all have done. God damn us, every one.

Today I heard a young man teach his brother the word “faggot” on the bus; I wanted to say something but waited for somebody else to speak up—but no one did. I admit, I wasn’t brave enough. So it resumes and continues to consume, this hatred for humanity that seems to be entombed somewhere in these living walls; we all need somebody to abuse. The crashing waves, the savage things all following father, son, mother, daughter, brother unto one-another. We are as the soldiers with the guns; we’re to blame for the slaughter of our daughters and our sons, and responsible for the atrocious things our leaders all have done.
God damn us, every one.