Der destruktive Charakter lebt nicht aus dem Gefühl, daß das Leben lebenswert sei, sondern daß der Selbstmord die Mühe nicht lohnt.
As surely as the hand that gripped the knife, as surely as the surly drunk who beat his wife, as surely as the ones who turn a profit from the strife; we are complicit, not contrite. We are as the soldiers with the guns; we’re to blame for the slaughter of our daughters and our sons, and responsible for the atrocious things our leaders all have done. God damn us, every one.
Today I heard a young man teach his brother the word “faggot” on the bus; I wanted to say something but waited for somebody else to speak up—but no one did. I admit, I wasn’t brave enough. So it resumes and continues to consume, this hatred for humanity that seems to be entombed somewhere in these living walls; we all need somebody to abuse. The crashing waves, the savage things all following father, son, mother, daughter, brother unto one-another. We are as the soldiers with the guns; we’re to blame for the slaughter of our daughters and our sons, and responsible for the atrocious things our leaders all have done.
God damn us, every one.
Today I heard a young man teach his brother the word “faggot” on the bus; I wanted to say something but waited for somebody else to speak up—but no one did. I admit, I wasn’t brave enough. So it resumes and continues to consume, this hatred for humanity that seems to be entombed somewhere in these living walls; we all need somebody to abuse. The crashing waves, the savage things all following father, son, mother, daughter, brother unto one-another. We are as the soldiers with the guns; we’re to blame for the slaughter of our daughters and our sons, and responsible for the atrocious things our leaders all have done.
God damn us, every one.