Der destruktive Charakter lebt nicht aus dem Gefühl, daß das Leben lebenswert sei, sondern daß der Selbstmord die Mühe nicht lohnt.
(просто я вспомнила, что умею писать стихи по-английски)
my life is not continious but discrete,
it's made of myriad of days
which are apart
and yet together;
That's what makes me up,
makes me a person;
It's not about my past
and not about future:
these days had not begun
and they won't end.
They just exist
like frames on tape
that you can not amend
without breaking. But I will not break;
I, at the worst, will crumble
and if you pick me up and smooth, I'll be the same,
remaining on the snapshots
permanently made.
my life is not continious but discrete,
it's made of myriad of days
which are apart
and yet together;
That's what makes me up,
makes me a person;
It's not about my past
and not about future:
these days had not begun
and they won't end.
They just exist
like frames on tape
that you can not amend
without breaking. But I will not break;
I, at the worst, will crumble
and if you pick me up and smooth, I'll be the same,
remaining on the snapshots
permanently made.
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